DCDF Gen Peter Elweru chairing the hand and take over of camp commandant at Land Forces Headquaters in Bombo
The UPDF Deputy Chief of Defence Forces (D/CDF) Lt Gen Peter Elwelu has urged the current crop of General and Senior UPDF officers to emulate the good conduct of their senior elders and predecessors who sacrificed a lot to bring UPDF and the country where they are today
Gen Elwelu made the remarks on behalf of the Chief of Defence Forces Gen Wilson Mbadi today while presiding over three hand and take over ceremonies of the Office of Commandant General Headquarters, Director of Inspectorate and Director of Royal Guards at the Land Forces Headquarters in Bombo.

Outgoing Camp Commandant Maj Gen Joram Tumwine Kakari hands over a file to the incoming Maj Gen Dr Lucky Kidega as DCDF Lt Gen Peter Elweru looks on
He thanked and congratulated the outgoing General Officers for the job well done during their tour of duty at different Units and Formations.
“I am happy today; we are here to witness you handing over offices peacefully after a successful completion of your military tour of duty. Congratulations and thank you very much, you have done your part very well and we are grateful for your services. It is a wish for every man and woman in uniform to retire in dignity, especially when you are still alive,” Lt Gen Elwelu noted.
He further called upon the Incoming Officers to work hard, maintain cohesion, teamwork, patience and keep the spirit of comradeship among each other.
The D/CDF wished them the best in their new appointments.
The Gen Officers who handed over office included: Maj Gen Joram Kakari Tumwine who handed over the office Commandant General Headquarters to Maj Gen Dr Lucky Joseph Kidega, Brig Gen Alex Ndyanabo handed over the office of Director of Inspectorate to Lt Col Ronald Kagyenyi and Brig Gen Charles Rutarago Tusiime handed over office of Director of Royal Guards to Col James Kato Kalyebara. All the outgoing General Officers are set to retire this month.

Maj Gen Joram Tumwine Kakari and Maj Gen Dr Lucky Kidega in alight moment
In their acceptance speeches, the respective incoming officers pledged resilience and teamwork in execution of their tasks and thanked the UPDF leadership for having entrusting them with the new appointments.
In his remarks, the Adjutant General Headquarters Brig Gen Hassan Kimbowa, praised the outgoing officers for a job well done and wished them the best of luck in their retirement life.
“The officers who have handed over office today, we thank you for your sacrifices, it’s time to go home and begin a new life in a different field after serving the UPDF institution for over forty years. To the incoming officers, the ball is in your hands now. We have trust and confidence in you based on the experience you have acquired,” Brig Gen Kimbowa said.
In his farewell speech, the Outgoing Commandant General Headquarters, Maj Gen Joram Kakari thanked the UPDF leadership for the trust put in him during his five-year tour of duty as Commandant.
He also thanked all Heads of Department at General Headquarters for making his work easy.
Gen Kakari encouraged the incoming Commandant and the two other Directors who took over their footsteps to maintain the same spirit exhibited during their time while serving the nation.
The changes come at a time when UPDF is preparing to retire 316 General and Senior UPDF Officers later this month.

DCDF Gen Peter Elweru in a group photo with incoming and outgoing camp commandant and other officers
The colorful ceremony was also graced by the attendance of Directors from Land Forces, Heads of Departments from the Land Forces Headquarters General Headquarters and local leaders of Bombo, among others.

A moment of cutting a cake at the hand and take over of camp commandant held at Land Forces Headquaters in Bombo