The Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) regularly conducts recruitment into the Forces, as the need arises, utilising population figures for each district and city in Uganda. These figures, sourced from the latest data provided by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), serve as the foundation for determining recruitment quotas.
The procedure for the UPDF recruitment exercise is as follows;
- Aspiring candidates apply to join the regular force get recommendations from LCI, LCII, LCIII, GISO and DISO. Thereafter, they submit their application forms to the office of RDC where they are registered and await collection by the UPDF collection teams that submit them to the office of Joint Staff Human Resource Management which then cause a shortlist.
- The list of successful applicants is then published/displayed on the District/City notice boards informing the shortlisted applicants to appear at designated recruitment centres for the final interviews.
- The recruitment is conducted using the projected population figures of each District/City of Uganda that forms the basis of recruitment quotas.
Selection Criteria
- Citizenship: MUST be a citizen of Uganda in possession of an original National Identity Card
- Medical: MUST be medically fit and ready to undergo medical and body fitness tests.
- Age: MUST be adult male or female between 18 – 22 years.
- Education Standard: Formal education strictly between S.4 (UCE)- Degree Level and MUST have passed English and Mathematics.
- Aspirants MUST be residents of an area, disciplined and with no criminal record and their application letters MUST be signed by the area LCI, LCII & LCIII Chairpersons, GISO or DISO and RDC.
Various Professionals in the UPDF
- Medical Professionals
- Civil Engineering
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Psychotherapists
- Social Workers
- Journalists
- Sports Men and Women
- Teachers
- Automotive Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
- Electronic Engineering
- Cyber Security
- Computer Forensics
- Computer Science
- Aero Space Engineering
- Masons
- Electricians
- Painters
- Specialised fabricators
- Carpenters
- Heavy Engineering Equipment Operators
- Heavy Engineering Equipment Mechanics